Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Bored at home during first month in school?

Note to self: You really need to find a blogskin. 

So, its been the second week of school and usually its this time where movie directors decide to make everyone a little more miserable by releasing movies around this time. However, from a select few opening soon, there's only a few which I really want to watch.

-cue epic drum roll-


-cue applause-

I should be a director in the future. I have a knack at making epic ideas that please visually.


You shall not pass!

So is there ANYONE who's not looking forward to this?

I mean, nerds and geeks will make this their must-watch (unless you're a DC fan) or people who've watched Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America: The first Avenger will definitely watch this "sequel". Everyone else will just get absorbed into the series by the fact that every single actor is hot in it. Before you tell me that there's only 1 lady in the team, remember how every engineering class in Poly is the same. Except its a team of 20.

Like all other excessively advertised films, this is probably going to come out as either one of the best movies made from comic books of all time or its going to be a box office flop (Or just breaking even with production costs) and leave many people disheartened. High hopes for Joss Wheden from everyone else.

Fun fact: Joss Whedan created Buffy. And directed this film. You decide.


Remember when you were a kid and your mother, father or teacher told you the story of Snow White?

Or maybe your parents brought you Disney's Snow White in DvD?

Well, I bet they told you the story from Snow White's point of view, didn't they? Well, how about the queen's perspective? Maybe she isn't so insane as the story depicts? Maybe she's really a nice person deep down inside?

Probably not.

And there's that smug little girl, having the whole world think she's so nice and kind and lovable. 

If you've not read, watched, heard or even seen Snow White, then I suggest heading over to the children's section of the library or buy the book and weep to yourself the story at home in bed as you remember bits and pieces of your sad childhood, wondering how different life would be if you had a proper upbringing.

But on a more serious note, Julia Roberts plays the queen, the world's most beautiful woman, who's married to the king/assigned to babysit the king's daughter, Snow White. As all maniacal rulers, she decides to try and remove the heir to the throne from the equation and take it for herself. Then it becomes Snow White's story once again, although bits and pieces differ from the original.

Ok, I lied. Its not the typical "Princess gets saved, bad guy (Or in this case, bad queen) gets killed" kind of story, but more of the recent hollywood remakes where "Princess saves world" stories.

Well, not being a big fan of Julia Roberts, I personally won't be watching this unless someone asks me out for this. However, it does seem pretty decent for a comedy film from the trailer so give it a try when you have some extra cash and time on your hands.

Number 3:
Enjoy watching Will Smith's movies? You'll be happy to know that the 3rd MIB is coming out in theatres in May. 

I remember watching the trailer for this back in November last year and immediately after I  tracked the date down and marked it in my phone.

Then I proceeded to break my phone by accident. "Accident"

Why I would recommend this is because MIB has been a pretty big childhood thing. The entire theme of a world hidden in a world helped me develop alot of creativity and imagination. Downside to this was that I have some..... "unique" quirks as a child. And as an adult.

But I digress. I would talk more about this movie once I've watched it, but for now it remains as a maybe-in-the-future thing. 

Of course, there're a few movies to that are already out but didn't appeal to me which I shall quickly list here

Wrath of the Titans: Clash of the Titans was horrible. My teacher said this movie was horrible. My friends says it was horrible. I now deem this horrible.

Battleships: A movie about a board game where you cheat by stacking your ships on each other? No thanks. 

The Lucky One: Zac Effron's in it. Not voicing it. The Lorax is <3 Zac Effron is not.
I don't so much as have a hatred to him, I just personally don't like him. Long story.

The Awakening: I did watch this with a couple of friends, but I thought the movie was on-the-whole overrated. It provided a few scares and a few chills, but nothing too extreme. In fact, the movie rides on only its plot for its recognition by Rotten Tomatoes as a good movie (I think it was Rotten Tomatoes).

That's all for now (even though I only listed a few movies). Tune in next time to...........

-cue epic drum roll-


-cue applause-

By R.L. Stein.


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