Friday, 27 April 2012

News Flash; News in a flash: Part 3

Alright, after reading about girls who cannot appreciate themselves, let us end this row of posts with a post about my teacher and a little something he's doing.

NUMBER 3: FundRaiser

I'll assume advertising for my teacher is fine, right?

So, Kent Ridge Sec's Discipline Head is known to be pretty crazy. He's a PE teacher who's pretty funny when he's nice and strict when he needs to be. Social to us students and his fellow teachers alike, you'll probably not believe us if you were to come to school for the first time and not be introduced to him.

Now, in my history of being a student there, the craziest thing he has done is to do our 2.4km run.

Doesn't sound impressive enough? What if I say he did it 37 times? In one shot? Started during 8pm? For the mathematically inept, that's 88km. Just to mention.

The reason why he did it was for the Beijing Olympics, which kind of impressed me. His love for sports was really strong and kudos to him for being sticking with it.

I'm sceptical about the run being effective in making students more interested in the Olympics that year though. Still, kudos for running 88km

So when I read on facebook that he had something new, I shared it immediately, then read what it was about.

It was a little fund raiser for the Singapore Disability Sports Council. And his plan was to go for the Gobi Desert Run.

There's nothing wrong with it, either ethically and socially. Its just a trek through the 40*C sparsely populated deserts with more or less a chunk of cacti here and there. The run also allows people (in fact, they encourage it) to run for charity.

So my DM, being the triathelete he is, decides that to keep himself in shape, he'll do the Gobi Desert Run as a fundraiser.

Always impressing us by doing things we can only dream of doing. Going beyond frontiers. Our school motto will kill him one day.

Ok, figure of speech there. Not literally.

The run is 250km long that spans acress 7 days and its participants range internationally. People around the globe take part in this.

You're probably being bored by too many facts now, so I'll just go to the main point now.

Main point: Donate to his fundraiser. If you want to support him. Just head over here and have a little read about the donations and here for his running blog.

And for more information about the run itself, head over to its FAQs

Alright, its 3 am in the morning. Time to head to bed. 

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